Free Optima Responsive Multi Store Joomla 3 Template Download
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Free Optima Responsive Multi Store Joomla 3 Template Download
- Vina Optima is a multi-store Joomla 3.x template with a professional design, high-quality code, and retina compatibility. It is also powered by the JoomShopping e-commerce component. Vina Optima template is a fantastic option for you if you’re looking to open an online store to offer furniture, phones, mobiles, and accessories.
- In addition to having a stunningly polished and tidy appearance, it is loaded with options and features, including the strong Helix II Framework, 4 home page layouts, and 8 well-liked Joomla 3.x Extensions from Vina Article Accordion, Vina Vertical News Ticker, Vina Product Ticker for JShopping, Vina Treeview for JShopping, Vina Camera Image Slider, Vina Product Carousel for JShopping, and Vina Manufacturers Carousel for JShopping. Multiple module placements can be readily adjusted, and many additional top-notch extensions make it easy to quickly construct your website.
- Vina Optima includes a tonne of shortcodes, including those for video, galleries, slideshows, tabs, and accordions, as well as robust administration tools like logo settings, a layout builder that creates masterpieces, mega menus, unlimited font control, Google Analytics, Less compilation, and preset controls for header colour, link colour, background colour, and many other things. You no longer have to be concerned about its speed. Helix Framework uses the built-in javascript and css compressors to deliver the best performance.
We hope that this Joomla 3.x/JoomShopping template will assist you in creating a profitable online store for the sale of accessories, furniture, phones, and other goods.
- One template may be used for the PC, iPad, iPhone, and other mobile devices thanks to responsive design.
- Four home page layouts are presented: three stunning online store homepages and one striking fashion news/company homepage.
- Without knowing any computer languages, anyone may alter the current theme to any size or shape with the layout builder!
- Mega Menus: These menu items let you display a tonne of stuff, such as text, graphics, modules, and articles.
- Off-Canvas Menu: utilised mostly with mobile and touch devices, it can offer your consumers a very beneficial and lovely experience.
- Rich typography: Using Advanced Typography based on Bootstrap, you may style your tables, forms, and buttons in addition to other elements to improve the aesthetics of your website.
Shortcode Support: Practical Shortcode installation that allows anyone to add several extra features to a website without having any programming skills. - Supports RTL (Right to Left) language-based designs in languages including Arabic, Farsi, and Hebrew.
- HTML5 Base Template: We incorporated HTML5 into our templates so that they would be completely functional and showcase excellent typography. They are also sleek, modern, and SEO friendly.
- Built With Less CSS: By using less CSS during development, you can provide browsers fewer requests, which gives your entire website greater power and speed than ever.
- Use the Helix Framework: It’s one of the greatest responsive, lightweight, and feature-rich frameworks for Joomla Templating.
- VinaGecko’s 8 Premium Extensions include: There are several well-liked extensions for Joomla 3.x, including Vina Camera Image Slider, Vina Article Carousel, Vina Product Carousel for JShopping, Vina Manufacturers Carousel for JShopping, Vina Vertical News Ticker, Vina Product Ticker for JShopping, Vina Treeview for JShopping, and Vina Article Accordion. It is currently usable in the Vina Optima template.
- Fully support the JoomShopping component, which is the easiest Online Shop for Joomla to utilise. Over 200.000 new users in the past 3 years! Vina Optima supports it
- wholeheartedly!
- Complete support for the JComment component, which is an effective and simple-to-use AJAX-based commenting system for Joomla. Vina Optima supports it wholeheartedly!
- Helix uses advanced CSS & JS compression techniques that are compatible with all types of browsers to significantly reduce the loading time of your website.
- Google Analytics: Users may preserve all the capabilities that Google Analytics is offering and quickly embed Google Analytics Code on their website.
- Pewered By BootStrap: Bootstrap uses less code and is built on responsive CSS designs, which improves the overall appearance of your website.
Application Supported
- Joomla
- E-commerce
- Retina Ready
- Responsive
- Documentation Included